
Mass: Saturday 4:15pm, Sunday 8am & 10:30am


Let’s get to know each other a little more so we can get ready for school!

Welcome to Saint Boniface Preschool!

Our Registration Process comes in two steps!
STEP ONE: Fill out the online intent form below and pay the $20 registration fee.
STEP TWO: Fill out the downloadable PDF file (can be filled out on your computer or printed) and mailed or emailed back to us. This is needed to begin the child’s school records.

Please make sure to fill out both the digital form here and download the full Paper Application and send to Mrs. Amy Ginther at the school.

Step One Registration —


We will work with your child for transitioning to potty use. We can discuss options with you.
Amy will be happy to discuss and modify this with your child as they progress. The program works best with full day and five days a week for consistency and growth.
Let us know any special needs or concerns.
Price: $20.00
This in an application/enrollment fee and is due at the time of this form's submission. This fee is non-refundable.

Step Two Application

You can download our tuition rates by using the link here. We typically offer a ten month payment plan for free (just divide the tuition by 10 for monthly rates). First payment is made by the end of August. Monthly tuition is billed 1st of the month and due by the 15th of each month. You can either complete the online application or download a copy of the application and mail in.

Please mail to:
Mrs. Amy Ginther
Saint Boniface Christian Montessori Inspired
359 Main Street
Kersey, PA 15846

or email:

2025-2026 School Year Saint Boniface Preschool Application

Please designate your choice.  We give preference to full day students.


If Other please state relationship below or Legal Custody
If Yes, please list name of school below.
Child's Description at the Time of Application


Other Children Living in Home



In order to properly plan for an incoming student, the school needs to know if there is any educational, developmental, psychological, behavioral, social, or medical history that affects the student's learning.

Please check NO or YES if your child has received any of these services. If YES, please briefly describe.

By placing my/our signature(s) below. I/we verify that all information is accurate and complete. I/We realize that failure to provide accurate information about my/our child may jeopardize enrollment at this school. I/We further verify that no information has been ommitted.

See you soon!


“The first essential for the child’s development is concentration. The child who concentrates is immensely happy.”