christian before & after school and Tutor program
Welcome to Olive&VineHomework. Tutoring. Crafts. Fun. Games. Snacks.
We do it all before and after school.
Come, connect and grow with us!
Scroll to the bottom of this page to register!
Our Environment
We gather each day after school in the Saint Boniface Hall or one of classrooms or labs. We take some time to decompress after a long school day by playing some games, practicing Christian living, and having a delicious snack. Then students choose what they want or need to do: homework (with homework helpers), games, arts & crafts with creative and passionate volunteers, and… did we mention snacks?
Location: 359 Main Street | Kersey, PA 15846
Telephone: Mrs. Amy Ginther (814) 335-1698
Hours: M-F: 7:00am – 8:00 and 3:00pm – 4:30pm
your creativity
We want your child to enjoy the time before and after school. To interact with other children and also to let their inner artist come to life. We have redesigned our art and craft center to include tons of fun and creative media for your child to be themselves and make a work of art. Every student is welcome here regardless of school or church affiliation. This includes older children from Fox Township Elementary or children enrolled in the Seneca Highlands IU9 Program.
Olive&Vine’s Mission & Vision
Our Mission is to accompany every child before and after school with creativity and joy.
Our Vision is that every child would thrive in a positive Christian environment that supports creativity, happiness and wholeness.
Children are welcome to join us from Fox Township Elementary School from any grade level. Our teachers will escort your child across the street for safety.
A Word
From Our Kids
“I am so excited to be part of this new community-wide initiative! We have never done anything like this before where everyone is welcome to come together and learn, hang out, and just ‘be’ after school. Hope to can join us!”
– Our Students

Our AFTER School
Facility and Activities
We meet every day before school in our classrooms or after school in the Children’s Dining Room or Social Hall or one of our other awesome spaces. Our dedicated arts & crafts room provides a creative space for everyone to make and work on special projects. We also have plenty of room for homework, areas to relax, and best of all – a full kitchen to prepare special snacks and practice healthy living.
O&V Organization
Members and volunteers who support the Olive&Vine Program can get involved anytime. Check out our resource page for information on volunteering.
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