Child and Youth Inservice Materials
2020-2021Online Inservice
We are always helping families connect with their children and provide information to help keep them safe, in person and online. This year due to Covid and our hybrid learning model, we are offering all of our child protection in-services online. Watch the grade level appropriate video and submit your Certification Form.
Prayer to be used with Remote/Online Learning
Safe Environment
Grade K-6
Dear Jesus, When you walked this earth, you showed that you love little children. We know that you love us as your own children. It is hard for us to hear that some people do not treat children the way you did and hurt children by their words and actions. Help us to learn how to protect ourselves, and others, from harm. Help us to forgive those who have harmed children in the past. Bless all those who teach us and work to keep us safe. Amen.
Grade 7-12
Jesus our brother, When you walked this earth, you showed that you love all children and we know that you love us as your own. It is hard for us to know that some people do not respect children and do not treat them with dignity and love the way you did: they hurt them by their words and actions. Help us to learn how to protect ourselves, and others, from harm. Help us to forgive those who have harmed children and youth in the past. Bless all those who teach us and work to keep us safe. Amen.
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade
Lee & Kim – 8 minutes
The 8 minute animation introduces Lee & Kim, a brother and sister navigating the online world with the help of their trusted superhero friend SID! This cartoon is produced by the Child Exploitation Online Protection Centre (CEOP) as part of their ThinkuKnow Programme, which is being rolled out throughout Primary Schools in the UK.
4th – 5th Grade
Safe Web Surfing Top Tips for Kids – 5 minutes
Would you ever walk into a giant arena full of strangers and make it rain postcards with your phone number and home address? No? Then what are you doing publishing those details online, where anyone in the WORLD can access them? It’s easy to forget that the information we put on social media is visible not only to our actual social circles, but to our friends’ friends and their friends’ friends…and that creepy guy halfway across the world who you’ve never met. So, today we break down the importance of setting strict privacy settings, choosing strong passwords and other steps you can take to ensure you stay safe online. Good news! Internet safety is easier than you think.
6th – 8th Grade
The Cyberbullying Virus
This is a PSA Web Video produced through STRUTT Central’s social awareness component in their programs for girls. This video is a serious example of the virus Cyber Bullying and it’s disease like effects. It illustrates how fast the virus spreads and infects others and can ruin the lives of it’s victims, in this case Jane Doe. The cure for the virus is found in those who stand up against it.
9th – 12th Grade
Internet Safety Tips for Teens (Helpful and Funny) – 6 minutes
Teens today live a huge portion of their lives online. In fact, according to a study from Pew Research Center, 92 percent of teens report going online daily—including 24 percent who say they go online “almost constantly.” Why so much online activity? The accessibility of smartphones, of course. Fully 91 percent of teens go online from mobile devices at least occasionally. Among these “mobile teens,” 94 percent go online daily or more often. That’s a lot of time spent looking at a screen. Just like you want your teen to stay safe in school and at the mall, you need to be sure they’re being smart about how they handle themselves online.