Our Mission is to Change the World
Our mission is to create a community of Jesus’ disciples based on his good news, rooted in prayer and sacramental worship that will enable us to bear one another’s burdens and share each other’s joys, to be aware of our calling as apostles, with compassionate outreach to the larger community with our Diocese and Universal Church.
Welcome from the Pastor
Whatever brings you here today, we hope that your time here at St. Boniface can be an opportunity for you to encounter God. No matter if you feel burdened or at peace, use this time to bring yourself before God.
Please use your time here at Mass help you enter deeper into your relationship with God in the Word and the Eucharist. God continually invites us into a deeper relationship with Him. Jesus is with us no matter what we’re going through. Ask Him to be you today.
After Jesus explained to His followers that one must eat of His flesh and some begin to walk away, Peter responded, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.”
May your time here allow you to join with Peter and know that Jesus is whom we are to listen to and follow. I pray that you may never become complacent in your journey with God but always strive to grow in your love and understanding of God.
Know of my Prayers,
Fr. Kevin

We are always “Celebrating our Gifts” at St. Boniface because we use our gifts to make the world more humane. We strive each and every day to share the love of God with everyone. We are strengthened each week at mass and use our prayer time to help us discern where God is all calling us to be as his disciples. Come and join us on the journey.