Cemetery Information
“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them…”
St. Boniface has its own parish cemetery located behind the church and school. We also maintain the Holy Cross (Brandy Camp) Cemetery in Elbon and the Saint Michael Cemetery on the Old Kersey (Irishtown) Road. Anyone interested in purchasing a plot or space (niche) in the columbarium should contact the rectory at 814-885-4488 or church@st-boniface.org. For other inquiries regarding locations available or other records, please call the office or use the Find a Grave Website. If your information is not on that site, please consider taking a photo and adding it to their website. The cemeteries are open dawn to dusk each day.
Fees as of May 2022:
- Grave Opening $700
- Buried Cremains: $350; on top of someone $250
- Cemetery Plot: $800
- Columbarium (room for two, including basic engraving): $4300
The rectory office and local funeral directors are available for additional assistance.
Decorations and Flowers
Generally, flowers and any other decorations need to be removed by All Saints’ Day (November 1st) of each year. The cemetery is prepared in the Spring for new decorations by Memorial Day weekend. That is the best time to bring new flowers. We cannot guarantee any damage to anything that is placed or left on the graves between November 1 and Memorial Day.
The Columbarium at St. Boniface Cemetery will be perpetually maintained by the cemetery with plants, landscaping and seasonal wreaths and/or flowers. We request that families refrain from placing items or flowers on or near the columbarium. In the time period immediately following the internment, some flowers may be placed for a short period of time, but will be removed otherwise.
Research Tip
Many people have added information over the years, including photographs, to help you locate a grave of a loved one or friend.