
Mass: Saturday 4:15pm, Sunday 8am & 10:30am

Tell the Good News

Church Communications

The weekly bulletin is available at all weekend masses and online here.

If you have something that would like to have included in the bulletin, please contact the parish office anytime.

Requests should be made in writing and email is preferred. church@st-boniface.org

MyParishApp is available to download and follow our parish! It’s free and a great way to stay connected with it’s built in parish calendar, readings, and messaging.

Send us a message via Facebook Messenger by clicking the blurb button on the bottom right hand of the website.

We will respond as soon as we can!

If you would like to advertise your local business in our bulletin, please contact Adam Snyder from Diocesan: Catholic Life Every Day, 814-771-8628. The bulletin is printed each week and is always available on our website and in the MyParishApp where we reach hundreds of local parishioners and those visiting our beautiful communities. 

Prayer Requests

We would love to pray with and for you! Leave us a message so we know what or who we are praying for. You can also email any prayer requests to prayer@st-boniface.org anytime.

Be sure to include the name of the person you want us to pray for (first or first and last name) and any other relevant information. If you want to request a mass for someone alive or deceased, please use the link for our mass request form.
Request a Mass and other Offerings
Please note: We cannot accept dated Masses online. Please call our Mass Coordinator, Hazel Luchini, at 814-885-8851 to request a dated Mass.
Enter at least $10 for a mass in this box. If you are only selecting other offerings, you can leave this blank or we will contact you for more information.
Name of person or celebration remembered (i.e. anniversary, birthday, etc.).

Add Other Offerings

Additional Donation

Help offset the cost of processing Masses (credit card fees, postage, administrative work).